Thursday 18 October 2012

Business Application Development -OS Ticket Tool
Business Problem Domain-:  Customer Support

Business Problem -: To develop an application which can be used to manage customer support of small IT company with various departments
Software Evaluated -:
1) ExoPHPDesk
2) phpOnline
4) Help Center Live
5) OS Ticket

Selected Software -: OS Ticket

Reason for choosing OS Ticket -: Business problem at our end required the software to be easy to install and customer friendly and OS Ticket clearly satisfies this clause as it doesn't require the customer to login to the portal. The customer can check the status of the ticket raised by them through a unique combination of there email -id and ticket no.,which is mailed to the customer upon creation of the ticket. Communication is an aspect which is the most important thing in a customer support system and OS Ticket provides us multiple means of communication at various levels thus keeping the customer up to date about the issue. OS Ticket has a proper follow up system and ticket can be re-assigned to staffs of other departments in real time.OS Ticket offers advanced flexibility without compromising simplicity which distinct it from other customer support softwares.

Customization Done -:

A) Configured Departments, Managers and Staffs -:
  • Departments -: Various departments have been added so that issues pertaining to any department can be logged in by the customer and inter-department ticket transfers can be facilitated. Some departments are ass follows-:
  1. Local helpdesk
  2. DB Admin 
  3. Hardware management
  4. Network support team
  5. Java team
  6. Unix team
  7. server admin
  8. SAP 
  9. Host bridge
Managers -: Managers have been added to manage the staff present with in the department.They have different level of privileges.
  • Staff -:  Various staffs have been added under different departments. They themselves can raise a ticket and could also be assigned a ticket from the customer.The functionality of a user can be restricted to a particular group/department through role-based access.

B) Other Changes made -:
  • Groups have been added to facilitate those employees who are other than managers and staffs.
  • New email -ids have been configured to sand alerts to the customer.
  • Auto alerts enabled for the staff who has been assigned the ticket.
  • Database backup performed after entering all the data into the system.

Link of the Application -:

Link of the Application -:
Admin Link -:

Admin Id -: admin
Password -: data

Rahul Mali

Thursday 20 September 2012

Zoho MIS Application - Requirements

Vijay Infra Limited – Value for Money

Vijay Infra Limited is a supplier for various materials used in construction industry. We have been growing at a rapid pace since inception due to our quality products but at a reasonable price.
To smoothen the day to day operations and keeping our future growth in perspect, we have decided to have an internal IT application to deal with regular operations. We want out Invoice system to be automated through this application. Find below the specifications for our new application to be developed.
Ø  We need a User maintenance system as the operations are carried out by various people in our organization. Users should be able to have a unique identity and they will authenticate various transactions using their IDs.
Ø  Another key aspect is Product. We have a system where Products have been grouped based on similarity. We should have a Product group and corresponding items under that group should be easily identifiable.
o   Each product should have a unique product no
o   Product should have its own Selling price, Cost Price, Quantity, Quantity on order, Unit of measure.
o   Further we also maintain a discount policy where the Ordered quantity is more than or equal to a prescribed quantity, we offer a prescribed discount. Each product should hold this Discount Quantity and Discount price.
Ø  Then we have another key aspect in Business,The Customer. We also maintain a database of our regular customer.
o   A system to add, update and delete customers
o   Each customer will have a unique ID and the database should have Name, Shipping Address, Billing Address, Phone, Email
o   We also have concept of Loyalty discount for regular customers. So, Each customer will have his own Loyalty discount percentage associated
o   All Customer related transactions should be complete only with a valid user authentication
Ø  Invoice maintenance is a very special activity in our organization. Invoice refers to the Order form created as per customer request. Some key specifications for Invoice system are:
o   Each invoice should have a unique identification number
o   An Invoice cannot have more than 10 items
o   Unique Invoice ID should be generated automatically after the Invoice creation where an Invoice is created with Customer related details. We should be able to assign a customer for an invoice while creation using unique Customer ID. Invoice can also be created for Customer without ID as well.
o   We need a separate screen for adding items to Invoice. The user will provide the Product number and this screen should display all attributes associated with the product automatically. Cost price of the product should not be displayed. A field should take Order quantity from User and verify whether quantity is available with us.
Order quantity < = Stock Quantity – Quantity on order
o   The above screen will also have fields to display the Amount, Discount on product and Sub total after discount. When item is add to the invoice, record the details of the product along with price, discount and amount into a separate database. Add the quantity ordered by the user under “Quantity on order” for particular product.
o   We need a separate screen for Updating and Deleting a item from Invoice. When invoice no is entered, all the products associated should be selectable and for any of then we should be able to Update or delete the item. As per the changes, the records in database have to be updated.

Ø  All the Invoices will be in pending status after creation. A separate screen is provided for delivery and billing of invoice. We need to keep track of Invoice generation date, Shipped date and Billed date for each invoice.
o   Invoice should be shipped on requesting through the application. While shipping the invoice, all the items in the invoice should be adjusted accordingly. The ordered quantity should be subtracted from Quantity on order and Total quantity for corresponding products in the database to reflect the physical movement of goods.
o   Billing of invoice is the final step, where the invoice amount is calculated. The Customer loyalty discount will be applied if applicable for the Customer associated with invoice. The Loyalty discount will be applied on amount after deducting the product level discounts. The final grand total amount should be displayed. Billing of invoice should be intimated to the Customer through email provided along with all the amounts and discount. Further, we should have a field to capture the payment mode(Cash or credit) in the application.
o   Status of invoice will be updated to Billed after billing is complete.

The Signed off application is available at :

Saturday 4 August 2012

Computer architecture Story

Me : Hi where are you going.
Co passenger : I am going to Kolkata, I am a small businessman I give IT infrastructure solutions to small firms.
Me : Then it might be interesting job to give customized solution to various firms depending on their nature of work and requirements.
Co passenger: That is the main issue , many a times my client are not satisfied with the solutions I have provided because I don't know about computer architecture , so my business is not doing good.
Me : Don't get me wrong but I think this is the easiest thing in world to learn. I'll explain you.
First comes the Two Tier : Client Server Architecture where Data is stored in the Server and Applications stored on individual machines and Connects clients machines to server using TCP / IP protocols.
Next comes Three Tier Architecture where Application is partitioned and Presentation Logic kept locally and same is case with Multi-Tier Architecture where No need for specialist software at each client location but here we have a constraint that Business Application should be “web enabled”.
Co passenger : Yes this is really easy.
Me : Just hold on , now it will get more complex.
Next comes the Two Tier : Multiple Applications ,this a type of architecture is useful when Multiple applications and have specific requirements and distinct data . Here application is distributed across more than one machine . Here data management can be very complex. So as to maintain the complexity if data even we can go for integrated database which also avoid the duplicate data . ERP is next advances approach on this way because it gives Tighter integration across all functional areas;No separate activity required to synchronize data;Can be purchase as a single package from established vendors and Faster to implement and Easier to manage and maintain.
Co passenger: I think this is best system which caters to all requirements.
Me : Yes this is good system , but is some applications we need special data and special treatment to data in this case we can add that module to existing integrated ERP module.
Co passenger: But implementing this system will need dedicated WAN so will it be costly ?
Me : Yes this whole system can be kept on WAN but which can be costly so only big corporate houses use this system.
Co passenger: Can't we use the internet for this ? If we can put it on internet so many people will be able to access it .
Me : Yes you are right if we put it on internet it can co accessed by so many people but there are threats from hakkers and there is question of data integrity. So a firewall needed to provide secured access and protect the data integrity.
Co passenger: Thanks friend now I understood the computer architecture , now it will be vasy for me to provide my clients with best architecture matching their needs.
Me : You are always welcome. Good bye.....
Co passenger:Good bye.....

Friday 3 August 2012

Eureka.... I have an identity on web space

I am no more just consumer of web info , here onwards I will be contributor to it.  Journey begins here.....