Wednesday 16 January 2013

Assignment @2

Assignment for session 2

A1: To bind columns /rows from two different matrices into one new matrix

Soln:       Matrix 1 assignment and generation.

              Matrix 2 assignment and generation

              Now binding column 3 of mat1 with column 1 of mat 2
               selecting column 3 of mat1: x<-mat1[ ,3]
               selecting column 1 of mat2 :y<-mat2[ ,1]
               Binding column 3 of mat1 and column1 of mat2 into z: cbind(x,y)
A2: Multiply two matrices

Soln:    mat1%*%mat2

A3:To read NSE historical data from 01/12/2012 to 31/12/2012 from a .csv file.
      To find regression between the high price and opening share price and also calulate the residuals

Soln: Command to load the file:
> nse
Command for regression:

> open<-nse[ ,2]
> high<-nse[ ,3]
> reg<-lm(high~open,data=nse)
> reg
command for residuals:


A4:To generate data for a normal distribution and plot the distribution curve

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