Saturday 30 March 2013

3D graph

3D Graph plotting in R

Assignment 1:

Create 3 vectors, x, y, z and choose any random values for them, ensuring they are of equal length, bind them together.Create 3 dimensional plots of the same.

Data Set Creation Commands and DataSet :

Normal Plot:   plot3d(T[, 1:3])

Colour Plot: plot3d(T[, 1:3], col = rainbow(1000))

Color Plot of spheres:  plot3d(T[, 1:3], col = rainbow(1000), type = 's')

Assignment 2:

Choose 2 random variables
Create 3 plots:
1. X-Y
2. X-Y|Z (introducing a variable z and cbind it to z and y with 5 diff categories)
3. Color code and draw the graph
4. Smooth and best fit line for the curve

Data set creation for two random variables and then introducing third variable z




Semi-transparent plot

> qplot(x,z, alpha=I(2/10))

Colour plot

> qplot(x,y, color=z)

 Logarithmic colour plot

> qplot(log(x),log(y), color=z)

Best Fit and Smooth curve using "geom"

> qplot(x,y,geom=c("path","smooth"))

> qplot(x,y,geom=c("point","smooth"))

> qplot(x,y,geom=c("boxplot","jitter"))

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